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Usage and explanation of sustainable packaging labels

The recycling of packaging waste is the final stage of a product package's life cycle. By adding sustainable packaging labels to packages, Proya works with consumers and other stakeholders to participate in the recycling, management and proper disposal of packaging waste.

Based on the adoption of sustainable packaging materials, Proya adds the following sustainable packaging labels to the corresponding package to encourage consumers to properly dispose of discarded packages, increase the recycling and recovery rate of packages, and reduce the generation of unnecessary packaging waste.

Usage and explanation of sustainable packaging labels

TypeDefinitionUse case
Recycling labelAfter using a product painted with this logo, please place its package at the location specially designed for the disposal of recyclable waste by relevant personnel or organizations, so as to improve the efficiency of package recycling.Advanced Original Repair Concentrating Essence, Double Effect Brightening Essence, Revitalized Hydrating Essence lotion.
DegradableThe product can degrade in a short period of time without remaining in the natural environment for long, so as to reduce pollution and damage to the environment.Double Effect Brightening Cream, Double Effect Brightening Lotion, Double Effect Brightening Gel cream, Double Effect Brightening Essence, Revitalized Hydrating Essence lotion, Revitalized Hydrating Essence Emulsion, Revitalized Hydrating Essence Cream

Product ingredient disclosure
The time of product ingredient disclosure lags behind the requirement. If an inconsistency exists, please refer to the registration information at the National Medical Products Administration. Here's the links to see the detailed product registration information:
China Specialty Cosmetics Registration Information
China General Cosmetics Recordation Information
万荣县| 鹿泉市| 合水县| 辛集市| 都昌县| 陕西省| 江油市| 来凤县| 洪洞县| 边坝县|